taxi car

I want to share a testimony although happened last year; I haven’t shared it here before. It is good to remind ourselves of what God has done. By so doing many more testimonies will begin to spring up again.

There was this one time I left my phone in a taxi whiles I was going to church. As I told my friends the funny thing most said was I shouldn’t worry I will get a new one. Some also said the second owner has come for it. I thought otherwise. I wanted my phone back. All that time I never ever ones felt the phone was lost. That very evening the taxi driver called a cousin of mine whose number was on my phone that he was going to bring the phone to me the following day. Isn’t that marvellous? That is even the beginning of the whole spontaneous miracle.
After taking my phone, I wanted to do something for this driver. I thought of giving him money but I thought the money won’t be enough because he will soon finish it. But after prayer one afternoon I called him and asked him whether the taxi he was driving was his. He said no and I told him that he was going to get his own car so when he does get it, he should just call me. (I didn’t know the Holy Spirit was talking to him through me to bless him. It wasn’t me but Him).

In about a week, 8 days to be precise he called me and said someone has bought a new taxi for him to use just like that. God is still doing miracles today all you need is to believe in Him. He got his own car for what he believed in which was good. So do what you believe in and God will do same for you.